Canaan Land Children’s Church Rules
We thank you for entrusting us to play a role in your children’s learning & development in their understanding of our wonderful Savior, Jesus!
To ensure we are able to facilitate this to best of our ability, we ask your help by following the rules below.
*Age Range:
-Children’s Church is available for ages 1-8 years old. (Parents of Children under 1 year old are welcomed to use the children’s area anytime they need during the meeting but no parent drop offs will be available for that age.) children 9 years old and older, will be required to stay with their parents during church.
*Children Check in:
-Any child participating in Children’s Church, parents are required to walk their children down the stairs to Ellie.
-All Parents are to give their cell phone number to Ellie, in case she needs to contact you via text for emergencies during the meeting.
*Children Care:
-To ensure that we respect your child’s privacy, we do not change diapers. If your child is still in diapers, parents will receive a text from Ellie during the meeting. Asking you to come downstairs to change your child’s diaper, should the need arise.
-Canaan Land Church provides snacks and drinks for those in Children’s Church. If you would like your child to have separate/different snacks and drinks, other then what is offered by the church. Please ensure that you provide the snacks for your own child along with a drink with a lid.
-If your child has any food or beverage allergies, please contact Ellie to inform her.
-Once a month, Canaan Land Church has no official kids church. We do this to allow those that regularly work the Children’s ministry, to have time to rest and be in the regular meeting with us. These dates are sepcified at the beginning of each month to everyone knows and the the Children area is still available to parents to bring their children down there and stay with their children down there, should they need.
*Disciplinary Actions:
-We absolutely love all the kids that the Lord has brought to Canaan Land and are honored to be able to share in their learning and development about the things of God. We want to create a fun and safe environment for everyone! However, If a child is having a hard time following the rules or being respectful, they will be sent back upstairs to sit with their parent during the remainder of the meeting and they can reset and try again the next week. This keeps it positive while setting clear expectations.
Canaan Land Children’s Ministry Director:
Ellie Craddock
Cell phone: 704-707-6596
Thank you for your understanding and support!